Sunday, March 04, 2007

All out on the lawn looking at the sky.....

The vicar had us all out on the village green last night with his trusty telescope and all our thermos flasks. Mooney and I had brought our deckchairs and picnic rugs and whilst we waited for the main event we did our impressions of the dear old Queen. I think Mooney did very well but really I suspect that she had come along only for the free drinks laid on by the Full moon and lunatic. As the moon slowly disappeared in a sheath of midnight blue and glowing silver complimented with dashing aplomb by Bramwells suit a charming creation of midnight blue silk with embroidered stars lovely disappearing moons. He'd made little Henny a dress as well which rather dazzled the eye with it's hazy navy chiffon and beading. Almost as loud as Henny herself who kept singing as loudly as her little lungs allowed "Tinkle Tinkle luttle star" Poor Milord looked in pain. It was a shame that they had brought the little ones with them as they kept shimmying up the vicars fruit tree. Mary and Ida spent much of the evening looking at the grass so I had to inquire what they were doing. Mary winked at me and announced "The dew of the full moon turned to healing oil by his power."Then she and Ida looked up and smiled beatifically. I didn't like to ask who he was but I guessed that they meant God or Thor or whom ever it is who makes healing dew. At least this explained all the bottles that Ida had brought with her. As the sky turned dark I felt the vicars hand on my shoulder... So of course I hit him with my handbag. I saw Hans at the edge of the green with a note book who would have thought that he was as interested in Lunar phenomenon as he is in planes!!!! Big Charlie was still in the bar so Milord went in to drag him out, a few minutes later he returned and told us we need not bother "aaaafff he haffff mmmettt a yyyyyyoung llllady. " Henny sighed but I think she was more pleased than disappointed. I had made some lovely pies for the event and was disappointed that no one had touched them but I was sure they would soon as the President had polished of all of Harlot Harley's little cream horns, how unseasonal. Henny must have been disappointed as well , she had made a game pasty which only Milord and the wee kiddies were eating. Mary excepted she had brought an sandwich made for her by Catherine the great from 'infinite matter'. Ooh how we gasped at the beauty of the Moon. Once the spectacle was finished we all rejoined to the Full Moon & Lunatic. Moony really enjoyed it there and of course their lovely 'Ooh where has the Moon gone' cocktail wasn't wasted on the rest of us. I couldn't help but wonder if somewhere somehow Woger was watching. Umm I must ask Mary and Ida. Ill wait they are so happy at the moment swigging their Moon dew for any ailment.....


Marianne said...

Dear Mrs. Nito, it sounds like a simply lovely night was had by all. For heaven's sake, I do hope Mary and Ida didn't tarry too very long on the wet ground collecting the dew, they'll catch colds...let's just hope their 'healing dew' is exactly that then, eh?
Just thinking of your lovely pies, makes me wish I'd been there, and cream horns??? I'd say she was a bit soon in the season for those (but then she is rather a bit 'soon' anyway, isn't she).
I am so glad you were able to view the lunar eclipse, such a lovely sight.

Holly said...

Oh my dear she is so soon she arrives before she starts ..cough. It took a while to sober Moony up the next day so I am a bit slow answering my mail . You really must make it to one of our little events . Bonfire night is always popular , this year we'll have to make something other than a Guy so as not to upset Henny !

Marianne said...

Oh, yes, please...keep me posted as to dates, I'll do my very best to join in, Bonfire night? have anything to do with Beltane? (I'm sorry if I've spelled that incorrectly..can never remember if it's that or Beltaine...)

Holly said...

I'll have to check that one with Moony ( she's the pagan). Bonfire Night is November 5th .It's to celebrate the capture of Guy Fawkes who was trying to blow up Parliament along with our dear Charlie's dad James 1st .We feel a bit bad about it really because it's a sort of big Protestant feast thingie ...but then terrorists are just that .So the traditon was to make a stuffed rag Guy and burn him on the fire .When Mrs Cox was a lass ( simply decades ago !!) it was a well loved family affair .People would bake potatoes in the ashes of the bonfire , let off fireworks etc .Her Mum would make toffee apples and other delights. Now it has become a big civic display that is frankly a nuisnace .

Holly said...

errr that is however P.C we are these days and don't hold Catholics in general to blame we should always celebrate the prevention of a massive act of terrorism and attempt to overthrow the State.

Marianne said...

No, that wouldn't be Beltane, that's in the Spring...
I completely agree, we should always celebrate the prevention of a massive act of terrorism, wherever quarters it may come from.
I think your dear John Lennon had it right when he wrote the words to Imagine....(it actually was on a 'ban' list in some places here after 9/11, oddly enough when it should've meant the most).

Holly said...

Gosh yes that is a bit weird ..a song celebrating peace and love . I hate to see pictures from parts of the World where being a gun-totting crazy is seen as Macho. The worst we saw was in Georgia ( as in Ex. Sov. Union) where boys seem to be given one at birth .Blowing innocent people up is no way to inflicy your wishes on any State. 9/11 really will live on in infamy .I have never seen anything so devastating in my lifetime and never want to again.