Hello my loyal subjects ( not YOU Cromie!), I Charles Stuart king of England, Scotland and Ireland have decided to take over Mrs Nito's site whilst she pops to the shops. Since Hen brought me a lovely pair of binoculars I have been watching her little cottage and I'm puzzled. A constant stream of men seem to come and go when she's out, and Mrs Nito must be darn daft. She says her husband left. Well he did but he didnt go very far. He lives just down the road but Hen says. "Doe nout moontion it . She does nit noo!" And another thing the daft bat thinks I'm three men. Now excuse me but how daft do you have to be to look at a picture of me from three different angles and think I'm three men. Well anyway... I finally got to see what the wee abode looked like from the inside at Christmas. Most of it seems to be a shrine to Brussels Sprouts except Moony's bedroom where I had a shifty look when I went to the loo. I don't know if I can describe what she had in there. It might turn your stomach. Anyway I've found something rather exciting at the local shop Dingbat, Wobble and Fryer . I think the lot of them are mad but there you go and they sell the weirdest stuff..... Well here's a picture of it. I brought ten of them. One for me, one for Henny and enough for the kids. So easy to get the perm I always dreamed of....
Oh! I want one also!! I've never seen such a.....thing....and I desperately need one....help control this mop which happens to be my hair....please, Charles, might you spare one?
And what's this about men coming and going? What's Moony up to?
Hello my dear , Charles here ( you can call me Madge or sire , or Your Grace , Your worship ).Moony is what I would call a loose woman I am thinking ( put a Scots accent here ..Sean Connery maybe ..very me). It breaks my heart to think she is doing the dirty on Mrs Nito who gave her a home ..sniff. I will send you a lovely hair-net post-haste by horse and boat.You live in the New World I believe ?
Oh aye, I had my suspicions about that Moony, 'loose woman'? we call them something else entirely.....
Yes, Your Grace, all the way across the big pond and quite far again on land, nearly in the very middle of this country I am. It gets dreadfully hot and humid with an unbearable amount of brutal sunshine in the summers, then snow and ice in the winters!
I realize there's not as much (read nothing at all) to get all prettied up for, social engagements practically non-existence but I do so like a bit of a wave in my hair from time to time, does wonders for how a woman feels, do you have any idea what I'm talking about?
Well, there then, I do appreciate your kindness.
Lady Robinson Pool
My dear Lady I had no idea how you'd come along over there. I only get reports of the place being full of Puritans . Mrs Cox tells me you have beautiful cities and yarn that would just blow my mind .I had no idea , sometimes I think I am living in the past . Yarn is not really of interest to me unless it makes big satin bows for my shoes. Charles Stuart Rex .
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