Of course there came a moment in our marriage when Woger and I decided we had to make our little family complete. I decided that we'd adopt and so we popped along to the Orpanage. For some reason we took my old friend Moony along with us despite her lack of any maternal instinct. All the way there she squawked about what little beggers her kids were and how she'd packed them straight off to boarding school. But I was not detered. When we got there I was amazed that they had no green babies but when I asked matron she gave me an odd look and then brightened. "Ohh there is a child who would be perfect for you. " Moony tells me Woger muttered "What madness " but I don't believe her. Anyway she showed us this little bundle of joy. I was smitten and although Woger said he might be a bit confused as he grew up a bear and we remained "Well I guess Human !" We brought him straight home I was delighted with the little fluffy thing and started work on a lovely nursery (see above). We had our hiccups, I was awfully dissapointed when he wouldnt live on the same diet of just Brussels Sprouts as I do. But he is my baby and where would I be without him? Well I wouldn't have a larder full of cupcakes, I wouldn't have 500 lovely doilies and I wouldn't have got to know his house mate Boris. Mostly I wouldn't be Bramwells mum, Muffy's grandma.
Such a beautiful wee bouncing baby boy! I just want to hold and cuddle him.
And the nursery? Absolutely divine, I so love your tastes.
Ahhh yes, the days of cupcakes....
(I really must sit Gracie on my lap at the pc and read her your stories)
Oh do send all our kisses to little Gracie , Mrs Cox is here shouting "me too" .
Will do!
She'll be here today, I'll even tell her about the concept of 'comments' and see if we can't get one or two out of her, she never lacks for something to say.
Wooopee A new commenter! Break open the champagne Moony!!!!!!!!
Alas, it didn't turn out to be a Gracie day after all, brother Conor is very sick and daddy Aardron took him to the doctor's office, Gracie stayed with them today. (I have gotten a bit of knitting accomplished though)
Next tuesday hopefully we'll be back on schedule and Miss Daphne Grace will be here, we'll come calling.
Ohh dear my dear... Well at least you managed a few rows...
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