I hate how fhe taketh out my "f" and puteth in "s" . It if obvioufly wong .I know my own language thanketh-you. One had to pop in to fee Mohammed today about that little lie concerning the tea-cupf . He waf very underfanding and faid that it waf none of hif bufineff at all if I had friendf. He did blush and go red , I really hope he doefn't think I would be unfaithfull to
my dear little wife . He haf a lovely wife and fhe waf an arrangement too. I think we make lovely little arrangementf. Well I might be bufy af I have promifed Charlef I'd look after the bratf .I am sure your lovely Mrf Nito will be back foon . Charles R.
Ack....(sometimes he can be just the hardest to figure out what he's saying, eh? But I got into the rhythm of it all)....er, yes, lovely arrangements, seems to be working out just fine...we'll see you later then, have a splendid evening...
Mrs Nito here my dear , do not worry about our Charlie he doesn't know his Fs from his Ss .Those filly people in the 17th cen. just could not fpell..oh dear me how I laugh at my own jokes.
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