Tuesday, July 24, 2007

That Rupert Everett has upset our Holly.....

Mooney and I are out for blood . I am starting to see red ! Anyhow I popped over the Henny's house to discuss the problem and how we could cheer her up. As I was rattling on about "upper-class swine" I noticed tears welling up in dear Henny's eyes. "I am zo zorry mon cher , I shall pok and lov ". It was a while before I realised I was talking to a dead Queen of England , daughter of France , Medici etc. I had to apologise too , we chatted about how well we got on despite my parents being campesinos who once picked sprouts for a living. Henny "tactfully" said that I could never understand what it was to be beautiful but that it is not all good. "I never noed if poople zey lofed me for myzelf or my tittttle " . I could see the problem for a brief moment then tactlessly said "but Henny dear I didn't think anyone in England liked you at all" . This brought on floods of tears and I had to apologise . "Well she said , it waz noot becoz of my 'ats zat zey ated moi eh" "When you are royale ze iediotts wil fellow vous whatefer vous wheras . I only ad to chunge me air-stile and zome twat would copy it . Dying ze air brun becomed ze zing to do , trying to be ze tinnnny pezon was ard for zome but most amuzing to witch. I could ave vorn a piggie on me ead and zey would ave zaid it waz ze beautie zing .At this Henny cackled , she had so many respiratory illnesses before she died poor love. "I wil tak to ze olly wan she waks oop , zey are not zo keen on yoo when ze cards zey are doon , zat is ow ze fashinably ppes was , I was onllle poplar gain whan Charlie 2 was retorred..zer ..figh !


Marianne said...

There, there, now...yes, Holly is growing up and it's quite sad for her and all of us who love her, losing a bit of one's innocence, finding that things are not always what they seem to be, but it unfortunately happens when we engage ourselves in this thing called 'life'...

Holly said...

Zat is zo right mon cher , I 'ad daughters too and I had to let my Mary marry at 12 years old .Ah well we cun onleee luv zem.